Monday, March 05, 2012


Domestic violence: total misrepresentation as ever by the BBC re a 'Clare's law' 'right to ask' for women

As ever the BBC's flagship news show, Today, totally misrepresents domestic violence ('intimate-partner violence' as it is properly known).
The BBC reports that the Home Office is to announce plans to enable women to check up on new partners to see if they have a history of DV/IPV.
No mention of the actually more serious issue of women perpetrators and their male victims.
1. The 'controlling' partner in 90% of couples is the woman, not the man.
2. Serious DV/IPV is perpetrated more by women -- three to six times as much.
3. Injuries as a result of DV/IPV review studies show to be either parity or at most 2:1 female/male' this despite female sex-differential body frame weakness and male sex-differential upper body strength.
4. Women are more likely in DV/IPV to use a weapon, attack unilaterally, and/or to attack when the partner is disabled; eg, asleep.
Nobody knows the incidence of women murdering their partners because most is hidden: either by using a third party or subterfuge.
This means that most murder of husbands and boyfriends by partners is not recorded as such.
By contrast, uxoricide is nearly always direct and overt -- the guy nearly always kills himself straight afterwards (as, indeed, did Clare Woods' partner); women never do so.
The upshot is that it is completely false to claim that murder of partners is mainly by men.
It may be roughly 50/50, and given what we know about DV/IPV it may be more by women. Nobody knows.
Refuge is an extreme-feminist, separatist man-hating obscenity of an organisation, as anyone without PC blinkers readily sees.
The notorious man-hating leader of Refuge, Sandra Horlick, knows all too well that men rarely seek help whereas women always do.
Most accusations to police are fraudulent -- even more so than rape (and that, conservatively, is 35%).
If definition of DV/IPV were widened to encompass any sort of 'abuse' [sic] this still further plays into extreme separatist feminist hands, because although such abuse is female sex-typical, men are unlikely to complain of it -- women are likely to invert their abuse to 'project' it on to their partner and themselves ciomplain to police!
The BBC's view of DV/IPV could not differ more from the reality.
Steve Moxon, author of 'The Woman Racket: The new science explaining how the sexes relate ...'  is contactable on 0114 2631714

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