Thursday, January 02, 2014


Balkan bollocks a decade on

Well what a difference a decade makes. Not. This time ten years ago -- 2004 -- I was being forced to take part against my will in illegally processing by the tens of thousands obviously bogus immigration applications on behalf of Romanian and Bulgarian individuals sent in by the batch load by fraudulent immigration reps. I was working for the immigration sub-department of the ever not-fit-for-purpose Gnome Orifice, and was being obliged, under protest, to simply rubber-stamp applications just so long as the passport was in date. All checks had been waived. This was ahead of the accession to the EU of the eight states joining on May 1, 2004. But Romania and Bulgaria were not part of the 'A8': they were to join later. Yet under some EU stitch-up 'transition arrangement', anyone from Bulgaria or Romania could just pretend to be self-employed and get round our immigration rules – not that there were any that ever worked anyway. This gave rise to hilarious instances such as the famous one-legged Romanian roof-tiler.
     We were letting in a stampede of who knows who, including plenty of career criminals, as our office was repeatedly warned by our consul in Bucharest, James Cameron. His warnings were completely ignored and, like me, Cameron was suspended from his post and then dismissed for 'whistle-blowing'.
Since then, Romania and Bulgaria finally have joined the EU and their citizens have had free movement but with a supposed lock placed on their access to jobs. Leaving aside how useless that was, what about access to benefits? Well, the Government assures us, hardly any have claimed. So what are the figures? Er, we don't have any, the Government pleads. There is very good reason why they don't have any figures: The last time I checked, the DWP does not have a routine mechanism for establishing immigration status when it comes to accessing benefits. Come again? Yes, we're as ever in 'couldn't-make-it-up' territory.
     So how has the Boob been reporting the new influx as from yesterday? Oh, the line about the net economic benefit of migration. That bogus one again. Everyone accepts the immediate impact is insignificantly positive; but that's only re OFFICIAL (LEGAL) migration – leaving out the millions of illegals -- does not take into account massive infrastructure costs, and also does not factor in later costs as these migrants have children and age – and when the next downturn puts them on benefits. And by the way, the Boob take note: nobody wants it; nobody has ever been asked if they want it; pretty well everybody expressly objects to it. Only big business (and PC-fascists) wants it, because they can then avoid paying a 'living' wage and can forget about having to train anyone, to leave the taxpayer to pick up the huge tab for the underclass and wider under-employment and poverty this creates.
     Mass pointless immigration is a facet of short-termism as well as a manifestation of PC-fascist hatred of the ordinary person living in the UK (see previous posts outlining this) as perpetrated in office by Liebour.
     Anyway, 2014 is the year of the Euro elections, and UKIP – which only (sometimes) caves in to PC-fascism rather than perpetrates it – is going to thoroughly wipe the floor with the three PC parties. It'll be a start.

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